Orange plant

The Orange tree, and each of its components , is used in several forms. The fruit of the Orange tree can be eaten pure, it can also be combined with other fruits in the preparation of cakes or fruit salads. Its zest is used make syrups but also for dyeing or alcoholic drinks.The tree of the sweet orange often reaches 6 metres(20 feet ) in height. The broad, glossy, evergreen leaves are medium-sized and ovate; the leafstalks have narrow wings. Its white five-petaled flowers are very fragrant.The fruit is a modified berry. the usual shape of the sweet-orange fruit is round and the colour of its pulp orange fruit but there are variations.Orange are also high in certain nutrients,especially vitamin C and folate .One 140 gram orange covers 92% of your daily vitamin C needs. Your body uses if for immune function ,collagen synthesis, iron  absorption , and more.

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