
AfnoBazar is an e-commerce app that allows you to buy and sell products online from the comfort of your home.

To create an account on AfnoBazar, simply download the app and follow the registration process. You will need to provide your name, email address, and phone number.

To find products on AfnoBazar, you can browse different categories or use the search bar to find specific products.

To buy a product on AfnoBazar, simply add the product to your cart and checkout by providing your shipping address and payment details.

AfnoBazar accepts various payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards, net banking, and mobile wallets.

To track your order on AfnoBazar, go to the "My Orders" section in your account and select the order you want to track.

AfnoBazar has a 7-day return policy for most products. If you are not satisfied with a product, you can return it within 7 days of delivery.

To contact customer support on AfnoBazar, go to the "Help" section in the app and select "Contact Us." You can then choose to contact support via email or phone.

To sell products on AfnoBazar, you need to register as a seller and provide details about your products. You can then start listing your products for sale.

AfnoBazar takes the privacy and security of your personal information seriously. The app uses various security measures to ensure the safety of your data, such as encryption and firewalls. Additionally, you can take measures such as using strong passwords and not sharing your login credentials with anyone.

Yes, AfnoBazar is free to use.

The shipping policy on AfnoBazar varies depending on the seller, but most products are shipped within a very short period of time from the date of the purchase.

If you have a problem with your purchase on AfnoBazar, contact the seller or AfnoBazar customer service for assistance.

Delivery times may vary depending on the location of the seller and the shipping method selected. You can track the status of your order in your account dashboard.

Yes, AfnoBazar offers a loyalty program for frequent shoppers, where you can earn points for every purchase and redeem them for discounts on future orders.

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