How to create Seller account?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create an account on AfnoBazar:

Step 1: Visit the AfnoBazar website/ Install Manage Orders App 

The first step to creating an account is to visit the AfnoBazar website/Install Manage Orders App . You can easily do this by typing AfnoBazar in your preferred search engine/PlayStore and clicking on the first result.

Step 2: Visit Afnobazar Seller Central To start, visit the Afnobazar Seller Central website at (seller Central link). If you already have an Afnobazar account, sign in with your credentials. If not, you\'ll need to create a new account. Click on Register Now and provide the necessary information, such as your name, email address, and password.

Step 3: Provide Your Business Information After logging in, you will be directed to a dashboard where you can set up your seller profile. The first step is to provide your business information, such as the name of your business, the type of business, and your contact information.

Step 4: Add Your Products Once you have set up your seller profile, you can start adding your products. Click on the Add a Product button and fill out the necessary information, such as the product name, description, and price.

Step 5: Set Up Shipping and Payment Next, you will need to set up your shipping and payment options. Afnobazar provides various options for shipping, such as standard shipping and express shipping. You can also choose to offer free shipping or charge a fee. Additionally, you can set up your payment options, such as bank transfer, or cash on delivery.

Step 6: Start Selling Congratulations! You have now set up your seller account on Afnobazar, and you are ready to start selling your products. You can manage your account and products through the seller dashboard, where you can track your sales, manage orders, and communicate with customers.

In conclusion, creating a seller account on Afnobazar is a great way to reach a wider audience and grow your business online. With these simple steps, you can set up your account and start selling your products in no time. Good luck!